Tasting Notes:
Lapsang Souchong tea leaves are withered over pine root fires then panfried, rolled, and oxidized. The leaves are finally placed in bamboo baskets and hung on wooden racks over smoking pinewood fires to dry and absorb the smoke. This results in a powerfully smoky aroma coupled with a smooth taste.
Legend has it that the process for this smoked black tea came about during tribal times when a village burned all their possessions and inadvertently smoked the tea. Another story states that during the Qing Dynasty, an army unit passing through a village occupied a tea factory filled with fresh leaf awaiting manufacture. When workers could get back into the factory, they realized that for their tea to arrive at market in time, it was too late to dry the leaves the usual way and open fires of pinewood were lit to hasten the drying. When the tea reached the market, the smoke flavor created a sensation and a new product was born.
- Organic Lapsang Souchong, Smoked Black Tea
- Origin: China, Fujian province
- Sample ~ 5 servings
- 1/4 LB ~ 50 servings
- 1 LB ~ 220 servings
- Lifestyle-Friendly: Vegan, Paleo, Keto, Organic, Kosher Certified
- Caffeine: High
Ingredients: organic black tea
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